Cookies on FEATS

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are sent to and then stored on your computer when you visit different web pages. We do not store detailed personal information in our cookies, but we use information gathered from cookies to help make your experience on the site better, e.g. by making navigation within the site easier or remembering your preferences. Please note that cookies can't harm your computer or your files.

Cookies are either "session cookies", which are only stored for the duration of your visit to the site and deleted when you close your browser, or "persistent cookies", which are stored for a period of time and activated when you return to the site. In general, session cookies are often used for authentication, and persistent cookies are often used to save your preferences.

Cookies on this site

In order for this site to work properly your computer needs to accept a number of cookies; without them some fundamental parts of the website won't work as intended.

The cookies used on this site include:

NameType (session or persistent)Purpose
.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.nixphHDAMN4 Session Validate same-site connections
AspNetCore.Identity.Application Session Secure same-site connections
Identity.External Session For user authentication
.AspNetCore.Session Session User session data
.AspNet.Consent Persistent Store Cookie consent data
.AspNetCore.Mvc.CookieTempDataProvider Persistent Temporary storage of same-site connection data
ai_session Persistent Application Insight session identifier cookie
ai_user Persistent Application Insight user identifier cookie
heap-consent Persistent Allow our tracking system Heap, to record basic telemetry data of your user visit. The information stored is anonymised and is critical to our understanding of how people are interacting with the product. It greatly helps us in our efforts to make sure that changes we are making are delivering real value.
_hp2id Persistent This cookie is required by Heap and will only be used once permission has been given to run active sessions.
_hp2_ses_props Persistent This cookie is required by Heap and will only be used once permission has been given to run active sessions.